How to Edit a PDF Document

Begin by going to the Nitro PDF
Professional website and
downloading the Nitro PDF
Professional software. (Follow
the link in Resources.) After
you've downloaded the
program, follow the instructions
to install it. Once you've finished,
open Nitro PDF.
Click on the "Open" icon at the
top of the program (the folder
that is half-open). Search for and
open the PDF that you wish to
Click the "Insert and Edit" tab at
the top of the program. Once
you've done this, select the
"Insert" option found in the "text"
box. This option will have a large
"Ti" icon above it.
Scroll down through your PDF
and select any text you wish to
edit. You can also delete text or
add text to any portion of the
document. To edit the text, right-
click on the portion you wish to
edit. In the drop-down box,
select "Edit Text." Then simply
edit your text as you would in
any word-processing program.
Use the other boxes at the top of
the screen to add charts, pictures
and other items to your PDF if
you choose to do so. For the
most part you will probably only
want to edit the text of a PDF.
However, Nitro PDF does give
you the option to make other
additions as well.
Save the document as you
would any word-processing
document (hit Control + "S" or
click the "Save" icon at the top of
the program) and you will be


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