How to File Federal Income Taxes


Things You'll Need:
IRS Forms
Internet Access
Tax Preparation Software
Determine whether you have to file a federal income tax return. If your income is low, you may not have to file. But even children have to file if they meet certain income levels or have certain types of income.
Find out what filing status you qualify for. In some circumstances you have a choice of filing statuses. Some filing statuses are better than others.
Determine how many personal and dependent exemptions you have. Personal exemptions are for yourself and your spouse. Anyone can be your dependent if he or she qualifies.
Calculate your income. Many types of money you receive can be taxable income, but some types are not.
Calculate your income adjustments. You are allowed to subtract some things from your income and lower your taxes.
Calculate your deductions. You can choose between a standard deduction and itemized deductions. Deductions lower the amount of your income that is subject to taxes.
Determine your income tax. Taxable income minus adjustments, minus deductions, and minus exemptions equals the income on which you are taxed. Tax tables or schedules will tell you how much your income tax is.
Determine your credits. You can get credits against your income tax for certain situations or expenses.
Determine your additional taxes. In some circumstances - for example, if you are self-employed - you may have to pay additional taxes.
Find out your total payments. This includes taxes withheld by your employer, estimated tax payments you made, and the earned income credit. The total is how much you have paid or has been paid for you.
Find out the amount you have overpaid or underpaid. This will be your refund or the amount of tax you still have to pay. You could have a penalty for underpaying your taxes, but only if you were off by a significant amount.
Get the right tax forms and fill them out.


Unknown at 3 February 2015 at 08:36 said...

This is the first year I have been away from home and it is tax season. I got my W-2 forms from the two places I have worked this year but I have no idea how to go about filing for a refund. The whole concept of filing taxes is foreign and confusing to me. I liked how you said that if your income is low you may not have to file. I am a working college student so my income isn't that much. I need to do some more research to see if I need to file my taxes or not.
Emily Smith

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